Limerence-M Aurora

  • And please accept my greatest thank-you  Robert.@Robert Safko Your site actually made my day and I truthfully appreciate the time and effort you put in behind your wonderful selection. Your selection is simply eyes opening and now I have to try some myself.

    Just a side note, I think the price list you received, for instance, that 22 cad offering is definitely not competitive at all. I'd be making a 1-2 USD profit for selling each pair at that price, on Amazon, no need to say that price they give you simply works as your cost. So if you are ever interested, please allow me to send some samples for your reference, I'd even pay for the chance to have a consulting session with you.

  • I have gone through and read the posts on this very interesting thread and thought I should put include my thoughts on the matter.  

    I am very open to view new products but in my 27 years of selling fine hosiery I have yet to have a Chinese product fit the requirements to be placed on the site.   Either it's poor packaging, one size fits all sizing, dye rubs off, small fit, scratchy and saggy yarns, colour choice, construction quality, etc.

    In the case of Limerence, I was forwarded a price list and a website to view, that's all.  No samples sent to actually see the product first hand.  This is how our European companies promote their products and this is how I decide if styles go on the website or not.  It's pretty simple really.   I always ask for their largest size in order to gauge their size range and I use myself as the criteria being 6'-5" tall.   

    Our current selection of seamless pantyhose have great size range and wonderful yarns and I have refused some European seamless if the yarns are not luxurious.  Why sell everything, when you can sell only nice yarns, life is too short, and money shouldn't be wasted on something that you have choice with buying better.

    All that said, I am still very cautious about buying Chinise hosiery, not knowing their environmental and labour practices.   


  • I bought a few pairs of them (different style) 

    Good seamless, very shiny. 

    But, it is pretty for Asia Woman size, I just able to fit in the Large size. 

    Most of them last one month or just longer.  

    No recomment for tall Man or Woman.

  • I just got some Rose Sakura pantyhose from Ebay that are also called Aurora Seamless and look very similar to the pics in the early part of this thread.  I wonder if Rose Sakura and Limerance-M are affiliated with each other, perhaps Limerance is the luxury brand of the same company.

    The Aurora's were a surprise to me.  I frankly didn't think a Chinese company could produce such high quality pantyhose.  They have amazing shine, similar to the CdR Eterno Matt 9/Eterno 9.  In fact in some lighting they may be shinier.  But it's the texture that were most surprising thing about the Aurora's.  They are very smooth, silky, and slippery, even softer than the CdR's.

    The only problem with the Aurora's is the small fit.  Since I'm only 5' 6" and 120 lbs. they are okay on me (barely), but I would prefer something that wasn't so low waist.  I think there are other Aurora styles that have a more Cleancut type waist band but you have to order those from China.

    I'm writing this from the standpoint of someone who has ordered over a hundred pairs of the CdR M9's and Breeze 12.  The M9's are my favorite pantyhose ever.  But the Aurora's may be even better if I can get them in a slightly larger size with the CC waistband.

  • Recently Limerence-M crossover Atsugi to make this new tight.

    Matt finish, comfortable. 

    Again, only Asian Lady size. 


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