Wore this out this morning while running errands. Had a black winter trench over top. Yet again no one anywhere said anything either way. Naturally there where looks mostly from older women.
If there are any other Canadian men out there that where for fashionable and stylish reasons. Please message me as I'd like to chat about experiences noticed while wearing? 
Hello from Ontario. I've been wearing pantyhose since my teen years. I wear pantyhose everyday without fail. In the summer I wear pantyhose with shorts and love the way the Breeze feels on them as well as the sun making them shine. Not enough people know what pantyhose are these days so to see them is an anomaly I think. I do enjoy catching people staring and feel appreciated that he is doing his thing and rocking it😉
Hello, l like your outfit. I think that is great you do that. More of us need to do exactly what you are doing.
@Jackie thanks although I'm starting to get insecure about wearing in public as I'm getting noticed around the city as a result and it feels a tad un comfortable people talking behind ones back and even worse in person.
People can be very rude. It's sad when some people are so ignorant. I wear pantyhose in public every day. I am to the point now I don't care what other people think. I love wearing pantyhose, and I will do it in public. I have actually had a number of people tell me they like it. I truly understand where you are coming from. At times it's not easy to be yourself. I think you are wonderful!
yes its sad you cant feel comfortable wearing what you want .the issue is its still seen as a womans piece of clothing and as a guy i would also feel uncomfortable wearing anything sheer outside in public.In the house and around the garden who cares but yes it a shit situaton.
Thing is i see myself as a sort of macho man lol but love to wear pantyhose and to be fair in my shorts i really do like the look as i dont think its feminine looking just smooths my legs out and makes them look better ( also for women too i think ) but its the world we live in at the moment and we just need to do what makes us comfortable.
Yeah, a shit situation for sure.
@scott j I agree and relate. However I still want to rebel so to speak on the issue of hosiery being a woman's item only. It's the man that makes the man. Not the clothes. From my experience at least. A man wearing legwear is just a new look not really scene in mainstream society much before. People when im out and about, who'v seen me before, dont even bat an eyelash anymore not like they did b4. Mainly because they know me when I'm just wearing pants 👖 and no matter what, I'm still the same stylish guy either way. I know I'm not the only guy in town who wears. Yet it'd be nice to see some other bros hop on the style train here as I am uniquely individual in my style and choice of clothing. Tks again Scott for ur insight
@Alex R Thanks! Comfortable with black/red runners
@PB sounds like you have a story? Wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts:)?
@Jackie I like your attitude! I'm reading a book called "How not to give a f!@#" by Mark Manson currently and I'm finding it helpful in dealing with occasional anxiety over wearing in public. I recommend it! Thanks for responding:]
@Steph T I relate and do admit to feeling badass when people look but try to do it as if there not looking, lol.
@scott j I wore Leggs silky sheer suntan nude pantyhose with shorts and sandals to Walmart and several other stores, and even met up with some people, and no one seemed to notice that I was wearing it. It was on a hot day and it seemed to keep me cooler than just shorts alone.