i love wearing sheer soft pantyhose under my shorts in my house and in my garden even when having a little drink in the house with the wife and its fantastic .Even the film nights with us both in bed both in pantyhose every now and then.
But as a man i can just not ever see myself wearing sheer pantyhose in public with shorts as much as i would like to .I just find them so comfortable and the feeling of them moving with me when walking is a fantastic sensation.
But i have started wearing grey opaque wolford paantyhose under my shorts with another layer of shiny 20 denier oroblu pantyhose on top for a slight shine.I have just started this and just strted walking on the roads and walked by a few people and nobody even looked at me or said anything so my confidence is going up as i find 99% of people either dont care or it may be that they probobly just think i am wearing base layer tights under my shorts. Either way it a great way to get outside in your pantyhose without drawing attention to yourself and they are lovley and silky and keep you nice and cosy in the cold weather.
Although i have been out the odd dark morning walkking the dogs and wore nude Oroblu pearl 15 and as it was dark no one would really notice.If you havent tried these pantyhose honestly they have a barley there look and hardly noticable you are wearing anything your legs just look very smooth and slightly silky.
Honestly if you havent tried these they are like a 2nd skin velvety stretchy due to the high lycra and are reletivly hard wearing .I am definetly bying more for me and the wife lol.
By hosers